Friday, December 16, 2016

Event 1 & 2

For my event one and two I attended Bright Stars ITERS and ECERS training session which was the first time they hosted this event. ECERS is early childhood environment scale and ITERS is infant/toddler environment scale. These two enviromentail scales are used by Bright Stars to "early learning, education and school-age programs that care for children learn about best practices and apply them to the care children receive"(bright stars). 

ECERS was invented first by the writers too enhance the quality of what children of early childhood receive in early education and school programs.  With the interactions,activities, language and reasoning, personal care routines, space and furnishings, and program structure.  The goals to see what are my the children in the classroom getting?  The goal of the assessment is to see provide as much materials from various areas to the children most of the day. Also, to make sure in the space provided that the materials are accessible, see able, organized, labeled, and inviting. 

ITERS  was secondly written by the writers of the ECERS to then enhance infants and toddlers quality of care. Through the same ways that the ECERS have but with the difference of that they see that on some days infants and toddlers cannot have a time limit of how much play aka access to materials they need a day. Also, in the interactions, activities, program structure, space and funrnishings, personal care routines, and language and reasoning are too the level of infants and toddlers .

Another, something I learned is that for both environments that only 35 square foot is required per person where in other standards it is 45-50 square foot. 35 square foot is less than a prison room, a office space, and a average child's room with furniture. This is insane that a child who needs quality care because stats have shown that single mothers who work a full time job has there child in a care program for 33 hours per week and with there single space if they were to be stand still which would never happen is 35SF. 

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